本日の裏技 032


want と wish と hope 使い分け

     この3つの単語はほぼ同じ意味で使えますが、hope + O + to do と want + that節 は存在しません。

    ① want + to do
    ② wish + to do
    ③ hope + to do

        ① want + O + to do
        ② wish + O + to do
        ☓ hope + O + to do
        My uncle wants me to visit him.     [〇]
        My uncle wishes me to visit him.    [〇]
        My uncle hopes me to visit him.     [X]
        My uncle hopes that I will visit him.  [〇]

         ① wish + that節 「~であってほしい」 [かなわぬ願望]
         ② hope + that節
          ☓ want + that節
        My uncle wishes (that) I would visit him.
        My uncle hopes that I visit him.   [〇;実現できそうな雰囲気]
        My uncle wants that I visit him.   [X]

  ※ 以上はあくまでも個人の見解・感想であり、学問的裏付けはありません。